Available coordinate systems for United Arab Emirates:


Nahrwan 1967 / UTM zone 39N , EPSG:27039

Nahrwan 1967 / UTM zone 40N , EPSG:27040

Nahrwan 1967 (Angles) , EPSG:4270

WGS 84 :

WGS 84 (especially used by the GPS system)

WGS 84 / UTM zone 39N , EPSG:32639

WGS 84 / UTM zone 40N , EPSG:32640

WGS 72:

WGS 72-UTM zone 39N , EPSG:32239')

WGS 72-UTM zone 40N , EPSG:32240')

WGS 72 , EPSG:4985')

Others :

TC(1948) / UTM zone 39N , EPSG:30339

TC(1948) / UTM zone 40N , EPSG:30340

TC(1948) (Angles) , EPSG:4303

- Coordinate systems of other countries